Angular Notes
Some important notes for Angular development
Angular is consisted of six parts:
- Data Binding
- Directive (There are three kinds of directives in Angular)
- Components — directives with a template.
- are the most common of the three directives
- Artribuite Directive
- change the appearance or behaviour of an element, component, or another directive.
- Structural Directive
- change the DOM layout by adding and removing DOM elements.
- i.e. iterator for components
- Forms
- Template-driven forms
- Reactive form
- Pipe
- Applying data tranformation
- Service
- Using Provider to apply Dependency Injection for service
- Module
- Root module
- Feature modules
Design pattern
- NgRx is using Observable pattern
- Unidirectional Data Flow ( this is no really two way data-binding in angular 2)
- Dependency intejection
imports This property is used to import the modules that are required by the classes in the modules. providers This property is used to define the module’s providers. When the feature module is loaded, the set of providers are combined with those in the root module, which means that the feature module’s services are available throughout the application (and not just within the module). declarations This property is used to specify the directives, components, and pipes in the module. This property must contain the classes that are used within the module and those that are exposed by the module to the rest of the application. exports This property is used to define the public exports from the module. It contains some or all of the directives, components, and pipes from the declarations property and some or all of the modules from the imports property.
next(value) This method creates a new event using the specified value. error(errorObject) This method reports an error, described using the argument, which can be any object. complete() This method ends the sequence, indicating that no further events will be sent.
it is used to simulate HTTP requests using data that has been defined locally. This provides a way to isolate a data source class and ensure that only its behavior is being tested
Jasmine.JS BDD test for Angular
- Define test component in testname.spec.ts
- Create test component
- describe test behaviour
Router bug
Input type (type = "button) is important to make naviation animation works in angular 4, without specifying type, it works on IE11 and Edge browsers, but would reload the application in Chrome.
Why Angular need state management?
State management is one of the most important aspects of software development. With each development project, thre's some sort of tracking being done of data over time as well as of any updates made to that data.
When come to user interface in front-end development, especially nowadays SPA is getting richer and more complex, it is important to have a single source of truth when it comes to data. Since JavaScript is using duck typing, it is very easy to lose a frerence to a data structure, and by using weak reference (ghost references) could cause a false presentation of the wrong data.
Diffrerent parts of an appliation have different responsibilities (components, directives etc.) are segregated across manany different files, but they all need to reflect the same underlying state. One of the common best practices for keeping and tracking state was to manage it in services, however, how to traces the state is complately relied on the developer.
- One place for state: a store solution dicates keeping the sate of the application in one directory. This makes it esaier to predict updates or changes to the state's structure and how it is manipulated and stored before it is saved by the reducer.
- Perfomance: Utilizing unidirectional flow, replying on individual state changes other changes all components, it will make change detection more precis and performant, as it is intented to make use of the marking of direct parths in need of updating.
- Testability: Easy to test with reducers (pure functions which don't produce side effect), since the input and output should be the same.
- Devtools: Monitor it for changes, helps develop to understand how, when and why things go wrong while developing.
Case one: When you have to deal with observables and when responsability for some observable data is shared between different components. In this case store actions and reducers ensure that data modifications will always be performed in the desired way. It can also provide a reliable solution for http requests caching. it can store the requets and responses, so that
Case two: There no much difference when dealing with constant data, however, when serveral components will have to update the data, there will be a problem for angular to deal with change detection, and cause improper update issues.